Quest for Valadrin - 0.0.5 Update

Three big changes in today's update:

1) NPCs can now be attacked!

Be careful, they fight back, and attacking one will turn the whole town against you! But if you're feeling evil, try taking a swing at the local merchant, or maybe a peasant at the inn.

2) Portals!

Now that you can kill the one person who is able to take you further into the game, I needed to make sure that progress couldn't get halted. Attacking any friendly NPC will force a mysterious portal to open somewhere on the map. It could be out in a field somewhere, or it could be deep in a haunted cave. You'll need to explore to find it, but you need only step through to continue to the next area. Be warned though; portals are likely to drop you in hostile territory!

3) Chests!

Treasure is fun when it's not just laying on the ground, so I've added containers for it to be stored in. Not all treasure will be found this way, but some quest items will be stored away in boxes, crates, safes, or any other storage containers. Pay attention though, as they're not always unlocked, and can't always be carried with you. The key shouldn't be too far away though, so if you kill enough monsters I'm sure one may drop it.

I hope you enjoy this latest build, and keep an eye out for more content in the near future!

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