Quest for Valadrin - 0.0.6 Update


After the addition in 0.0.5 of being able to attack NPCs I figured it was worth adding a bit of balance. It was far too easy to murder merchants and steal all of their wares with no consequences, so 0.0.6 has added guards to the game.

Each town will have a number of guards that patrol in and around the area. Attacking a town, or one of their patrolling guards, will cause them all to become hostile. Fighting your way out of a hostile town is not impossible, but the risks of attacking towns are much higher now. 

I've also added guards to assist the travelling merchant, since they carry elixirs and are not associated with any one town.

Like all enemies, wounded guards and townsfolk will recover hp whenever you rest. Although I haven't yet worked out a system for resting in the wild. I might get on to that next though, as it's possible to attack all towns and have nowhere to sleep.

I hope you enjoy this build! I'm having a lot of fun adding these features, and letting the players really drive the story. I have a few more ideas on how an "evil" character could progress through the game, so keep an eye out for more updates if that's something you'd like to try out.

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